Files to Download

Physical Chemistry

Web Stuff

Prototypes for Point Groups (Java applets) 

3D particle in a box wavefunctions (Java applets)

Files to Download

Quantum intuition program

Windows installer program for QuantumIntuition04.exe

Mathematica Files

Elementary syntax  For first lab 

Stern Gerlach  For lab first semester. 

Particle in a box 

Harmonic Oscillator

Morse For problem set 06 first semester 

WebMO Morse Potential Fit for Web MO Lab

Half-V potential 

graphexport For exporting a series of graphs 

infect For statistical simulation lab first semester 

botz1d For a Special Project first semester: Link to Boltzmann 3D

symmetry For lab second semester 

2D harmonic Oscillator For use on problem sets 

Mathieu For Special Project  second semester 

allvects For Problem Set second semester 

quantum rattle 

2d quantum rattle For in-class activity 

3d particle in a box For in-class activity 

sp hybrid evolution For in-class activity 

harmonic oscillator wavepackets For in-class activity 

High energy harmonic oscillator wavepackets  For in-class activity 

Phase matching Notebook exploring phase matching for nonlinear wave mixing 

Particle on a sphere Plots the mod-square of the spherical harmonics in grayscale on the surface of the sphere. 

Expanding particle in a box. Illustrates the quantum dynamics of a instantly expanded particle in a box

Tuning Fork. For collisional broadening lab. 

kT Calculator

In order for this program to work you will need to download the executable file and the three supporting files. The supporting files should be in the same directory as the executable. To run find the executable file in the directory you downloaded it to, then double click on the file.

kT_calc.exe The executable file 

borlndmm.dll Supporting file 

cp3240mt.dll Supporting file 

vcl35.bpl Supporting file

All the above file are contained in this zip file 


Collisional Broadening Lab

This file is a LabView VI for the collisional broadening lab.

Phosphorescence Kinetics Lab A LabView file.


Rasmol Program for viewing molecules in 3D.

Click button below for zip folder with example molecules (the zip file also contains the Rasmol program)